Examination Rule


Under Graduate (UG):

    • Three-year UG course involves a period of six semesters in three academic years.
    • Each semester includes one mid-term examination and one end term examination. In every academic year, there are two semesters
    • Examinations for all the odd semesters like 1st ,3rd and 5th are normally conducted in the early month of November-December. Similarly, even semesters are held in the month of April-May.
    • The duration of examinations shall be as follows.
    • Theory paper40 marks2 hrs
      Theory paper60/80 marks3 hrs
      Theory paper15/20/25 marks1 hrs
      Practical paper25 marks3 hrs
  • Compulsory Registration for 1st Semester,
    • Registration for 1st semester is compulsory. A candidate admitted to +3 course but not registered for 1st semester examination his/her admission will be automatically cancelled.
    • A candidate may take a blank semester: A blank semester has to be clubbed with next Odd or Even semester as the case may be i.e., 2nd, 4th and 6th/1st,3rdand 5th. The hostel policy for blank semester is to be decided by colleges as per their suitability. Hostel accommodation cannot be claimed as a right for blank semester. (Blank semester is not to be confused as repetition due to failure).
    • 75% attendance is a requirement for being eligible to appear at examination up to 15% waiver may be granted by the college principal at discretion on health ground or participation in sports cultural activities NCC and NSS activities etc.
    • A student may clear backlog papers within 6 years from the date of joining. A student may appear improvement(repeat) in any number of papers in the immediate subsequent examination. The higher marks shall be retained.

Post Graduate (PG):

    • Two-year PG course involves a period of four semesters in two academic years.
    • Two-year PG course involves a period of four semesters in two academic years.
    • Examinations for all the odd semesters like 1st ,3rd are normally conducted in the early month of November-December. Similarly, even semesters examinations are held in the month of April-May.
    • The duration of examinations shall be as follows.
    • Theory paper40 marks2 hrs
      Theory paper60/80 marks3 hrs
      Theory paper15/20/25 marks1 hrs
      Practical paperUp to 50 marks3 hrs
      Practical paperAbove 50 marks6 hrs
  • Compulsory Registration for 1st Semester,
    • Registration for 1st semester is compulsory. A candidate admitted to +3 course but not registered for 1st semester examination his/her admission will be automatically cancelled.
    • Registration for 1st semester is compulsory. A candidate admitted to +3 course but not registered for 1st semester examination his/her admission will be automatically cancelled.

Other Rules for UG/PG students:

  • Request for appearing at college examinations will not ordinarily be entertained in exceptional circumstances an application for exemption from appearing at an examination, duly supported by a medical certificate in case of illness and recommended by the Proctor may be considered by the principal.
  • Absence from examination, without permission will be penalized in a manner to be determined by the principal.
  • Permission to sit for the Council / University examination or promotion to the next higher class depends upon the performance of a student in the College examination, besides securing the requisite percentage of attendance and good – conduct.
  • Students will not be allowed to enter the examination hall half an hour after commencement of the examination.
  • No student will be allowed to leave the examination hall during the first hour of the examination.
  • Students must bring their identity cards, admit cards, registration slip with them when they appear at an examination.
  • Adoption of unfair means, misconduct and acts of indiscipline are serious offence and will render a student liable for punishment as the principal may deem fit.